Apple surpassed Exxon Mobil as the stock markets' most valuable company, although Exxon finished the day in the lead.
Innovation, imagination, simplicity, leadership, a bit of craziness = immense success. Even in times of a very troubled world economy and everything else that could be bad – and is.
When I worked directly with John Sculley in the late ‘90’s he often commented privately to me on what he thought of Steve Jobs. He greatly admired his leadership style and his ability to help others see his vision for the future of Apple. That caused immense creative execution in the production of Apple products and its people and that was utlimately translated into high-voltage electricity that was aimed directly at the end consumer.
Ironically, it was Apple CEO Sculley that desinged and produced the Newton while at Apple – essentially the first tablet / smart device – in the ‘80’s – that miserably failed.
What was lacking?
He said not “something created before its time”, he said what the Newton lacked was product leadership – a strong vision and the realization of a dream that Jobs possessed as the former CEO and most of all he possessed as an end consumer. And Sculley – admittedly - did not have that juice.
Something to learn from here.
No. A lot to learn from here.
See it. Be it. Share it.
This is my new motto in business and in all things new and especially in all things product development.
Thanks for sharing Ken. Thanks for being Ken. Always good to see you Ken.