It seems everyday I read and hear
more and more noise about the success or failure of RPR and other NAR-associated business ventures.
Here is the most recent comment submitted by Marilyn at the WAV Group.
When is NAR and the MLS industry going to get it? It's not about whether or not the MLS is willing to measure and accept these offerings it is only about whether the broker will.
In the end and all compiled database noise aside, it is the broker's data and it is only the broker that should be considered in any value proposition or compensation for the data.
And oh yes, one more thing. Despite the outdated structure and practices of the MLS's implied opt-out for everything, the broker needs to opt-in - not opt-out- of any data moving from the MLS database to a free enterprise venture.
That includes those ventures that are owned and operated by the NAR, In fact, on second thought, that especially includes those entities.
If the NAR was more focused on being a true non-profit professional association rather than a profit-focused cash machine usually at the expense of the brokers, then much of this wouldn't be rich content for blogs such as this one.
Wait, I have an idea.
Why doesn't RPR pay for the enhanced showcase listing ads for the brokers on in return for the right to use the broker's listing and sold data? Then at least the consumer would be able to associate the NAR and all REALTORs with more than the need for the consumer to use the telephone to connect with a REALTOR on
Hey, it's a start. At least the brokers would get something for the use of their data. After all, I know of no MLS who is suggesting that a share of the revenue be made to the broker.
Overall, for the NAR / RPR to continue to make offers to compensate the
MLS industry for assets they do not own is simply ludicrous.
As for the optimal fix for the problem. Get out of the business of real estate NAR - its not really serving you well.
Move closed today at $1.41while Zillow held strong at $24.48. There's a loud and clear message from Wall Street to be learned from here.
Is anyone really listening out there?